A couple of days ago I went for a stroll around a local artificial lake. Although the south of England is suffering a drought at the moment, we are not, as is evidenced by this tree being surrounded by water when normally it isn't! (You can see that the water has been even higher too - there's a mark on the tree trunk.)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
91/366 - Reflections
A couple of days ago I went for a stroll around a local artificial lake. Although the south of England is suffering a drought at the moment, we are not, as is evidenced by this tree being surrounded by water when normally it isn't! (You can see that the water has been even higher too - there's a mark on the tree trunk.)
Friday, March 30, 2012
90/366 Vanguards of Spring
Some plants start coming up as soon as the snow has withdrawn a little.
Most probably crocuses:
And, some wildflower:
Rowanberry's front yard
Espoo, Finland
Most probably crocuses:
And, some wildflower:
Rowanberry's front yard
Espoo, Finland
90/366 Birthday Girl
Thursday, March 29, 2012
89/366 And you are...?
This cat that belongs somewhere in the neighbourhood seems to have claimed our garden for her territory.
There's another one, a black-and-white one, but this one's cheekier and will hang around and investigate into what you're doing in 'her' garden.
89/366 Chicago Redux
Temporary over-sized statues often grace Michigan Avenue (the Magnificent mile.) This is Marilyn Monroe famous pose from the movie 'The Seven Year Itch'. We've seen other giant statues in Chicago.. including American Gothic. Marilyn is scheduled to depart sometime this spring.

Good Night to the City Lights. Until next time. ~ Dawn
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
88/366 Little Blue Riding Hood
This was actually taken a couple weeks ago. Haven't had the gumption to take new pics of late. :P
Anyway, the Princess looks a lot older in this pic, you wouldn't be able to believe she's on the cusp of six. 0-0
88/366.... Morning Mountains.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
87/366 Déjà vu -- Blooms and woodpeckers!
Two of my favorite flowers are featured this week!
The serviceberry tree has lovely, delicate white blossoms:
……And the Virginia bluebells start out as pink buds then open into a gorgeous sky blue:
Our woodpecker of the week is a female red-bellied woodpecker who stayed in one place long enough for me to take this photo (I believe she was eating some sunflower seeds):
-Tooks in Southcentral PA!!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
86/366 - M a y a n s
The turtle moves, a photo by fre1ga on Flickr.
Via Flickr:Someone had a long fence facing a shady, walkable street. Someone decided that the best thing to do with that fence is to commission a three-panel mural depicting Mayan myths (not that one!). Someone is awesome.
86/366: Towering
This is the carillon tower at my uni; apparently we're special because we actually have two carillon towers, one on Central campus (pictured here) and one on North campus, although my undergrad university also had two carillon towers, so.. maybe *I'm* special? :P This one gets played a fair amount, especially at Christmas time when they play carols.
Also see the Runner-ups page for a sidewalk-chalk message I passed on my way to school this morning.
Ann Arbor, MI
Sunday, March 25, 2012
85/366 - Family Connections
It is a walkway they built to connect the two residences with a bridge. I thought it was kind of cool!!!
This photo was taken in Skagit County on one of our Sunday outings. Near Bow, WA.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
84/366 - In the garden
The past week has been full of sunshine, so I've been spending some time in the garden. I filled up the bird feeders about a week ago, and noticed that only one of them was being used, which was odd, since usually it was the other one that the birds preferred for some reason. Anyway, I discovered why the seed was disappearing at a great rate:

Looks like I've been feeding the wood pigeons!
I've sorted out the containers at the front of the house, stirring up the soil (after having removed the old pansies) to plant some new plants. Anyway, I discovered some peanuts! Turns out that potting soil has crushed peanuts in it and I guess they've grown!
Looks like I've been feeding the wood pigeons!
I've sorted out the containers at the front of the house, stirring up the soil (after having removed the old pansies) to plant some new plants. Anyway, I discovered some peanuts! Turns out that potting soil has crushed peanuts in it and I guess they've grown!
Friday, March 23, 2012
83/366 Where Rainbows Come From?
83/366 Is it Spring yet?
Sam Gamgee's apprentice went shopping, and is now itching for getting to work. If all this stuff will grow and bloom, our yard will look very nice this summer. :D
Rowanberry's living room
Espoo, Finland
Rowanberry's living room
Espoo, Finland
Thursday, March 22, 2012
82/366 Spring! Flowers! :D
It's impossible not to be all over the new flowers of the new season, isn't it? :D

So, here are the grape-hyacinths in my balcony box at the moment, come back from bulbs planted two years ago. :)
82/366 St. Patty's in Chicago
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
81/366 Dude...
My cousin and the Fairy Princess at a Sweet Radish concert last summer. The Princess is wearing the bassists' glasses and beret. :P
81/366....Sexeh Kitteh...
Rascal |
This is my 'little babeh gurl'. aka, Rascal, Rasky, Rasky-Rask, and Rasky girl.
She tolerates the 'kids' and sometimes I find her having a game of chase with Pawsha, but for the most part, she ignores them. So, to give her some peace, I let her go into the garage where she likes to sit on things high up and look out the window then sleep in the sun.
Usually when I try to get a picture of her, she zips off like she hasn't got her hair done for the occasion or something. But the other day, she was on the trunk of our car just being all pretty and looking at me as if she were saying "Well, here's your photo op for the year. You best take advantage of it."
Yeah, she's my Rasky Girl. Living in a Rasky world.
Location: Calma's garage
Port Orchard, WA
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
80/366 - A dash of snow
On the other end of the spectrum.....
we got a lovely little 'dash' of snow, the complete opposite to Tooks beautiful spring blossom photos. Definitely living up to the Canadian stereotype! lol!
~Estar, Alberta, Canada
we got a lovely little 'dash' of snow, the complete opposite to Tooks beautiful spring blossom photos. Definitely living up to the Canadian stereotype! lol!
~Estar, Alberta, Canada
80/366 Blooms and a bird….
First off we have some luverly plum blossoms again this year….
Followed by some dainty Baby Blue Eyes growing in the lawn…..
Then this big fella made a visit on Saturday - a Pileated Woodpecker. He’s as big as a crow and was a bit hungry, taking some junks out of the suet out back. He finally headed off toward the north, probably to the mountains.
-Tooks in Southcentral PA
Monday, March 19, 2012
79/366 Do you see penguins ?
No? Well, maybe the only one, but that pepper does look like a huddle of penguins to me.
79/366: Buds!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
78/366 - A Unique View!
Ryan took me to that park below the bridges to show me what he had found. This is also the place that had the cormorants. I found it unique to see the bridges from underneath.
I hope you enjoy them too.
The first is looking almost directly up at the sky.
This one is aimed more back towards the roadway so that you can see the full undercarriage of the bridge!
Photos taken on Highway 20 nearing Anacortes, WA.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
77/366 - Blue and gold
After work we went out for dinner as a leaving do for one of my colleagues. This is a photo of the new necklace and earrings that I wore (the gold underneath is a jewellery pouch/carrier that a friend bought me several years ago). I continued the gold and blue theme by wearing dark blue jeans, a beige/gold top (made in Irish linen as a unconscious nod to St Patrick's Day ;)) and my beige shoes (remember the shoe hunt for my brother's wedding? Those shoes. :)).
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
75/366 Pi day
Yesterday was 'Pi' day because it was 3:14.
I am no math wiz.. (by a very long shot) but I do know how to make (and eat!!!) PIE!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
74/366 Moon over the Amniotic Sea
I didn't take this, but I was there so I think it counts. :P
And that's everyone's first picture of the little guy. New as of today. :D
And that's everyone's first picture of the little guy. New as of today. :D
74/366...Damon's Hat
The last week of February was shrouded in grief here in Kitsap County.
First a little girl was accidentally shot in a local school then a State Trooper was killed a few miles from my home, a young man off the USS Ronald Regan lost his life when his car went into Sinclair Inlet, and a Park Ranger was hit head on just hours later.
All this happened in a 36 hour period it was overwhelming.
Then we got the call.
Our friend Damon had passed.
This is his hat.
You never saw Damon without his hat.
The world has lost a beautiful soul.
Port Orchard, WA.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
73/366 Mostly old and some new
I meandered through Middletown again this past weekend and found a few items of interest….
Here is a photo of “Sant Peter’s Kierch” on N. Union Street:
And along Route 230 they are building new townhouses or apartments, but apparently there was one homeowner who didn’t sell out to the developer…..
hee. :D:D
~Tooks in Southcentral PA
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