For those days when there are just too many good photos to choose from.
^ 3/26: Passed this on my way through campus this morning. :D
The above is an addition to my post "Urban Carrots" from Feb. 20th. I passed these a few weeks later and of course had to add them to the collection! I do hope there are grapes out there somewhere...
On my walk down the pier to see the Tall Ships, I was brought to a sticking stop.
For between all the Fancy Dan boats and yachts was this beauty.
Sigh..... |
The last of the pizzas from Friday.
I was surprised there was that much left.
Oh, and it didn't make it past Saturday's lunch.
(Calma, Port Orchard, WA)
A history of the Mosquito Fleet. If you click it large you can read it better. (Calma, Port Orchard, WA) |
Sailboat on Sinclair Inlet. |
Taken from Manchester State Park, WA. (Calma)
This is the Rhododendren my picture of 5/18/11 was taken from.
Nice and pretty and not a bee in sight.
Can't wait for the entire bush to be in bloom.
It's just sooooo pretty.
Calma's front yard. Port Orchard, WA.
I tried to get him to smile, but all he wanted to do was grab that peanut and scamper up the tree.
This Pine Squirrel co-habitates with my Gray Squirrels. Which is strange since the Gray Squirrels are the invasive species and they will actually raid the den/nest of the Pine Squirrel and kill them. But the food is plentiful so everyone is happy.
This year he has a girlfriend..... :D
I was soooo excited when I saw the both of them chasing about the trees in the backyard.
Calma's backyard. Port Orchard, WA.
Aha! I found my way to the Runner up page! hee.
Here is a pic of the redbuds, taken late April, 2011
So there!!
-Tooks in PA
New couch and loveseat!!
Picture of the yard without water!
55/365 Another pic of the Carnival theme - didn't put it on the main page because it shows less of the town.
55/365: Found this little guy on a geranium plant on my window sill today - not sure what he's doing up and about so early in the year.
55/365 And lastly, because I think it's funny :D (taken at a restaurant tonight):
52/265: Weather in Ann Arbor, MI; Top photo: 2 weeks ago. Bottom photo: yesterday morning after a week of warm temperatures and melting snow. Top photo: yesterday evening after SNOWPOCALYPSE.
41/365 Covered Bridge, Wisconsin
The Olympic Mountains taken from the Observation Tower in Port Orchard. ~Calma
21/365 One in 200,000!!

20/365 Agua Caliente Gate
Another photo from Agua Caliente park, Tucson. It's one of my personal favorites. It's the gate to the park. I love the shadow! ~Dawn/RoseMorninStar
1/17 /11: More from Zingerman's:
The interior of the deli, with lots of yummy breeaadddsss.
The second floor of the cafe, Zingerman's Next Door, where I was studying in the corner.