I was wondering what I could take pictures of this week that would be unusual. I had dropped Ryan off at work and had to drive by this place and thought, "Hey that is unusual!" So I went back by and got this picture. It is the children's church building of a local 4 square church in our area. I think it is very eye catching to suddenly see Noah's Ark here and so big. I doubt if it is anywhere near the size that Noah's ark would have had to be but it is a cool thing for kids to be able to go on board for Sunday School and the like. I have always thought so at least. :D
Photo taken in Burlington Washington
Well that is really unusual, isn't it. I wonder if it is all done up with stuffed animals, 2 x 2 inside. :D I bet it is fun for the kids too.
That would be cute with stuffed animals around or murals of animals on the walls. I have never been in there but thought a tour would be great fun.