I think the sign is pretty self-explanatory, but probably not the rest! This is The Rock, a giant rock near campus, sort of in the fraternity/sorority area, that has been decorated repeatedly for ... well, I don't know how long, but long enough to have grown several inches because of all the layers of paint! People come by and decorate it for birthdays, to advertise things, promote their clubs, etc.
So on Saturday the Ann Arbor knitters' group, myself included, went and covered the rock with our knitting projects for Worldwide Knit In Public Week. We have a giant "Rock cozy", the furthest project on the right, which is in progress and has been for several years; I don't know when it'll ever get done, but I had a good time standing there knitting it!
Weather was very warm, so we didn't last too long, but it was hilarious while it lasted and we got a lot of funny looks!
Ann Arbor, MI
LOL. I LOVE the idea. :D When I first opened the website I was like...Whaaaaaaa the... now that I understand more the "why" of it, it sounds like good clean fun to me, hope you don't get rained on. :D
So cool! :D