Wednesday, March 7, 2012

67/366.... It IS March, right?

In contrast to Tooks' pretty Spring flowers...
I bring you this:

Shivering Bush...

I think that stoopfid Ground Hog in PA was reading the weather report for the West Coast.

Calma's Rhodi bush.

Location: Front yard in Port Orchard, WA


  1. Oh dear Calma.. not unusual at all for March here.. but I would imagine it's quite unusual for you!! Take comfort.. it won't last long...

    (most likely)

  2. Yeah what was with all the white stuff yesterday?? I got up and got ready to step out and about froze in my tracks. Dang it now we have to scrap the windows before going to work. It was frozen as if it started to melt and then froze again. I am so glad it is gone today though. :D


  3. Yikes! Great photo, though. :D
