Tuesday, February 7, 2012

38/366 Red and pink

The Red.....

February 3 was one of those ‘cause’ days to raise awareness of heart disease in women. It was a ‘wear red’ day, and the building wore red too.

The Pink....

A few years ago I received an amaryllis as a gift.  I’ve managed to keep it alive AND re-blooming each year.  w00t!!!!111

~Tooks in Southcentral PA!

 Red, Pink and now the WHITE!! 

I took this on my way to school this morning. A bright and sunny-but cold- morning!
-Estar - Just outside Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


  1. Tooksey.. nice photos! The hospital looks great decked out in red and .. what did you use for the background when you took the amaryllis shot? I love the way it looks and it really stands out.

    Estar.. brrr. That does look cold. I live in Wisconsin & it's usually like that here in February.. but not this year so far. It's almost like the end of March the weather has been so mild.


  2. Love the red hospital and the Amaryllis, Tooks.

    Estar, looks lonely out there.

