Tuesday, April 5, 2011

95/365 - Kingdom of Glass

I was on the chess team in high school (nerd alert!) and even though I may not have been the best on the team, I was one the the few who stuck with it through thick and thin.  By the time I graduated I was the only senior on the team, so as a parting gift from the coaches I got this nifty glass set.



  1. Wow! What a great gift! :D
    I'm lousy at chess.
    Cool that you lasted four years in high school.

    Neat set.
    Love the blue pieces.


  2. Excellent gift for hanging in there all the years. A glass set up is lovely. I did the same with bowling.

    I like to play chess, but I admit I am not that great at it, unless the other person REALLY bites. :D

    Thanks krawler.


  3. What a lovely board and a thoughtful gift!! I like your sharing it with us. Thank you!!

