Wednesday, November 30, 2011

334/365: Before dawn

This first photo I took on the way downstairs this morning, trying to capture the light shining off the rain droplets on the tree.  The photo turned out very blurry, but the lights captured look like they were dancing.  I found it interesting, so I hope it doesn't hurt your eyeballs.

This next photo taken right after is the scene in front of my car, the downstairs apartment, but again I liked the light from my headlights shining on the tree, still a tad blurry, I am uncertain if my little camera likes nights shots, it took forever for the flash to go off.

I hope there is something to see in one of the two to amuse.

Jules, Vancouver WA 6:15am Today (November 30, 2011)


  1. Oooo, aliens... 0.0

    Well, that's what they look like to me.
    Little alien space ships flitting about the tree plotting the take over of Earth.

    But now that you have identified them, they have to be Christmas lights forever.
    Way to go, girlie, you saved us all. :D


  2. They do convey that early morning feeling... ;) :D
