Saturday, July 2, 2011

183/365: Rye

A field of rye

I'm on holiday! I'm seeing many touristy things, but one of the prettiest sights was this golden field of rye, somewhere on the road between Łagów and Boryszyn, where we went to visit the Ostwall underground fortifications. I'd post that but I posted a sewer last week. ;)

More photos are steadily trickling down to my flickr account. Internet will probably get very, very scarce starting tomorrow when I'm leaving Łagów and heading north-east to the village of Charciabałda...



  1. Very pretty sight indeed, Ro.

    Can't wait to see the rest of your pics.


  2. Very cool. "Amber waves of grain". :D Hope you enjoy the rest of your time away.


  3. I love how the rye stands out in the foreground with the sky a bit blurry behind.

    And I love corn fields, too, took a zillion shots of them last week as well. It's a hobbity thing, I guess. :D
