Monday, January 24, 2011

24/365 - Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!

Ok, I know the chronologically astute among you will be aware that Robert Burns' birthday isn't until tomorrow, but today is my turn to post a photo, and we had our Haggis, Neeps and Tatties for dinner tonight, so I took the opportunity to use it as my post.

For the uninitiated, the haggis is the brown part of the dish on the left, while the yellow-ish neeps are simply mashed turnip (or swede or rutabaga), and tatties are mashed potatoes.  Although its contents don't sound appetising, haggis is a tasty dish, especially when combined with neeps and tatties.  If you haven't tried it and get the opportunity to taste it, I'd recommend you go for it and try to put the ingredients out of your mind.


  1. Hey Gil. That looks good to me. I haven't had haggis for the express reason that you wrote...the ingredients are welllll...icky. :P But after seeing this I would certainly give it a least once. Happy Birthday!!


  2. Hm.... me thinks I would have to smell it first and if it then smelled fairly good then I might try it. I just don't know if I could. :D But thanks for showing me what it looks like.


  3. Looks fine to me. :D I guess you could say that the meal just doesn't look so great in combination - all parts of the meal being quite mushy and no reds or greens in the colours - but that's traditional country fare for you. :D I'm fine with haggis, I love mashed potatoes, and I guess I could get used to the turnips, too, so I'd like to try that. :D

  4. No thank you. I'll pass.
    I'm a very picky eater, but those taters sure look good. Don't fret none, I'm sure my not having any will leave more for you.... ;)

    But it is a colorful picture with the placement of the food and the plate and placemat.

    The picture is cool.

