Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26/365.... The Mountain....

The Mountain...
Ok, I'm driving down lower Wheaton Way in Bremerton on my way to the hospital to see my son when there was my photo opp... :D   No one in front of me, no one behind me I stopped the car and took the shot as quick as I could. It's not a very good shot but the bump you see on the horizon in the middle of the picture is Mt. Rainier. Or as we say,,,,

 The Mountain.

Click to the largest view for a much better look.
The bridge you see is the old Manette Bridge. They are currently in the process of building a new one because the old one has been here since before I was born and it's seen far too many days....

The water way you see directly ahead is Sinclair Inlet. It leads to the Puget Sound.



  1. *Stares at the sky* It's ..soooo.. bluuuueeeee. :)

  2. Great pic Calma. I hope your son is okay, going to the hospital and all.

    Love Mt. Ranier. I am going to try and get some of Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood. Both Scribbles and Rose never got to see them when here, all cloudy and rainy.

    Thanks for the great pic and please let us know if all is okay with your son.

