Wednesday, March 9, 2011

69/365 Wisconsin Powder Keg

Some of you who follow the news may be aware that there is a great deal of political unrest in Wisconsin.
Last Saturday we drove to the State capitol in Madison to witness & be a part of History in the making.
These photos were taken after things had started to clear out a bit.
Things have 'ramped up' since last weekend .. and tomorrow the protests should be of phenomenal proportions.



  1. Boy Howdy, Rose, I've been following Wisconsin and I'm hoping the protesters win big time.
    Your govenor is well, not a very bright man and his senators are totally screwy, too.
    I hope things straighten up there for the good of the people, not the politians.

    Interesting photos,btw.


  2. Geez Louise!! Things are crazy there right now. It is all over the news this morning. The Dems are returning today. I hope that WI will stand up and get the signatures to kick out the Conservative Senators that they can now and then the Governor at the end of the year. Get your state back.


  3. I hope the people win this one - keep up the good fight!

  4. Great photos, Dawn. Yes, I hope the public are heard.
