A kitty happily snoozing on the seat of a motor-cycle (probably nice and warm with the spring sunshine) parked on a busy street. :D We were in Paris at the weekend, which is where we spotted this. I thought of posting a more traditional architecture shot, but in addition to not being able to decide on one, I also couldn't resist the cuteness of this one. :D
What a wonderful sight!! A cutie catching some Zzzzzz's! I bet it was very comfortable and warm for the cuddly kitteh!!
ReplyDeleteI love this picture cause kittehs really can sleep anywhere!!
Hey Hobby, you were just in Paris!!!! How cool is that. :D Sweet/adorable picture that you posted. I like the choice.
D'aaaaawwwwwwwwww!! *Melts into a puddle of cute*
ReplyDeleteThat's right...
ReplyDeleteWhen you can't decide which picture of Paris is the best, go with the kitteh.... :D
Typical kitty, though.
When naptime hits...
Neat shot, Hobby.
LOL! Love it!