Wednesday, February 9, 2011

40/365....Celeste' and Carter...

Celeste' and Carter.
 This is where one can usually find me.
My desk and Welcome to it.  :)
Celeste' and Carter are just two of my many teddy bears.
All of whom have volunteered to be my last minute photos.
I hope I don't have to take them up on their most generous offer...
But don't hold your breath.

Calma    :)


  1. Hey Calma, it looks like a happy desk to me. :D What is on your mouse pad on the stool? Is it LotR's related? And WHAT is with the cat and the Barbi? *shocking*



  2. Calma I had to laugh. At least I am not the only one with a bit of clutter on my comp station. It looks well lived in and very much used. A comfort zone I think. :D Thank you for sharing it!!


  3. I never noticed the cat and the Barbie before! Yikes. *g*

    Looks like a busy desk. :)

  4. It's not a Barbie, it's a Barbie friend. I do believe she's Trudy, but I'm not sure. The cat is a gift from one of my friends. She got it for me after I lost one of my kitties a few years back. I put the cat on Celeste' and she took it over. Really, there's nothing going on with the cat and the 'barbie' well, save for keeping her feet warm ;)

    The picture on the mouse pad is St. Andrews, I believe. It's golf related, no, I don't like golf, it was just the best picture of what was on the shelf.

    I love my desk. And yes, I do know where everything is located, so don't mess with my mess. :)


  5. I am very pleased to see that my desk is not alone is being a tad filled up with stuff. :D And this is because I like it that way - it's, like Jules said, what a happy desk looks like, IMO. :D

  6. LOL! If I had my own desk, it would probably look very "cluttered" as well, but my term would be "well used".
