Monday, February 28, 2011

59/365: Coffee!!

Another shot from my trip last week, this one from Rublev's Coffee Shop in Flushing. I pretty much went around the shop taking all sorts of pictures, and this one is just fun because it has coffee beans and I love coffee!

Not much else to say, except that some day, I will have enough money to buy a commercial grade espresso machine of my own, and it will be awesome! ....and then I'll probably still go to coffee shops anyway because they're so much fun. :)

Location: Flushing, MI



  1. Not a fan of coffee myself.
    Well, the taste of it anyway.
    Love the aroma when it's brewing or roasting, but I could never aquire a taste for it.

    I like the composition of this shot.
    Like little soldiers all lined up.


  2. Oh and they make latte's too!! :D I had to give up coffee around six years ago, it just quit liking me, but I always loved the flavours of a well rounded bean (no pun intended).

    Thanks Sil.

