Tuesday, February 22, 2011

53/365 Poised....

....for something.....

I decided on posting a squirrel pic today.  I had several from which to choose, since they are out in the trees almost constantly.  I have counted as many as 10 at one time.   !!!!!!!!!!
They are worse than rabbits.

Of course, there were plenty of acorns this year, plus they manage to eat a lot of the sunflower seeds that are supposed to be for the birds.  No wonder they are so fat and sassy.

~Tooksie in PA.


  1. Love me some squirrels. We are lousy with them here too, but I still never get tired of watching them scamper.


  2. Hey, give some love to the furry little guys.
    I have a mess of them in my backyard, too.
    Plus I feed the birds, too. :)

    It's a cutie, Tooks.
    How did you get it to pose for you? ;)


  3. I love the animals of nature and to catch them in their environment being just sweet is so cool!! I love this picture but when I first saw it I thought the squirrel had a cane. :roflmbo: A great trick of the eye. I love it anyways hon!! I hope I have squirrels here too but so far I have not seen any! I had one at our other house but with the eagles here I doubt they would last long. :(

