Tuesday, February 15, 2011

46/365 Bluebird House

Several years ago (four or five?) I was going for a run on a cold and blustery February morning, when I passed by a little clump of land sandwiched between two roads.  There was a wooded area and an open area that would have scrubby grass and weeds in the summer.

So....as I was running I looked ouver and saw several Eastern bluebirds fighting the wind and looking for berries to eat.  I felt bad for them...out in the cold!  Unlike their cousins the American robin, they do not fly south for the winter, but stay behind to tough it out.

So...the next day I was at Lowe's buying two bluebird houses.  I put them up on the less-traveled road, facing the open field.  Every year I clean out old nesting material, and I'm never sure who actually uses them.  Chickadees and swallows and sparrows will nest in boxes as well.  I still see bluebirds in the area from time to time, and I hope they get to use them!

So....a year ago I noticed a trend.  A few hundred feet up the road are some houses.  Someone bought a couple bluebird houses and mounted them on fence posts.    :D

~ Tooks, in now thawing soggy southcentral PA


  1. Well Tooks, you are just a BBP, basic better person and now others are following your example. I hope that the little bluebirds do use the houses.


  2. Ah, shelter from the storm... :)

    And I see blue sky in the background. :)

    I like how your picture looks.
    If that makes any sense.
    It looks stark, but not too harsh.


  3. I think bird houses are so cool!! I look at them and sometimes wish I had some around here. I don't have any trees or posts to attach them to at this time and I would be afraid the neighborhood cats would catch them. :D Maybe someday I will have a place to safely put one up for the birds. :D
