Thursday, February 24, 2011

56 / 365 Dragon

This green guy appeared in the mall for their "Princess Week" all this week. Here's some different views of him. Keep in mind, these shots were grabbed on my celphone and aren't all that great.


  1. Heather that is so cool!!! I love dragons and he is so very large and unique!! I would love to know what he showed up for and how they use him for their purposes. Please get more information as to what he is there for?


  2. Princess Week? Fuuunn! I want to come! :D

  3. I think your pictures came out pretty good with a cell phone camera, much better than mine.


  4. Cool looking dragon, FB.
    Don't you just love it when your photo opp sneaks up on you?

    Neat picture.


  5. Disney's Princesses On Ice show is here for the week and the mall management desided to try to cash in by having "Princess Week". Our green friend first showed up as part of a castle-esque backgound on the little bandstand (pics 1 and 2), but got moved later in the week to stand alone in the middle of the mall, that's how I got the close-up from the second floor railing (pic 3).

    Thursday, Friday, and today, they set up all kinds of "Princess Activities" for all the little girls dressed up to go see the show.
