Tuesday, February 15, 2011

46/365 - A little more music!

Inspired by last Wednesday's picture of a room crammed full of instruments, I thought I should take a picture of my own little collection.  Not much to it, really: an alto saxophone I've had for about thirteen years (to be honest I haven't played it for a while, but I'm planning to get it cleaned up soon so I can start again); a nylon-stringed acoustic guitar that I got about a year and a half ago (after practicing for a couple years on a junker of a guitar my dad got when he was a kid); and a harmonica I picked up a couple of months ago with the intention of developing a harmonica/guitar folksy kind of sound when I play (which is weird since I listen to more hard rock and metal than folk music by far).

I'd like to add an electric guitar to the collection at some point, hopefully before the end of the year.  Something I can get a neat spacey kind of sound out of...



  1. I love the sound of a sax...
    The harmonica as well.

    And you apartment has nothing on my mess.

    Neat picture, krawler.


  2. I had to divide a big pile of clutter into two separate (and somehow even bigger) piles of clutter to make room for the shot. Trust me, I use the floor in that room more as an extra shelf than as a walking surface. :P


  3. I love music and instruments of various kinds. I guess we will have to get pics of our illustrious musical instruments. No we really don't have that many but we love what we have. :D

    Thank you for sharing it Krawler!

  4. Gotta love the musical instruments. I think it great that you have three pieces that you can play. Keep rockin'.

