Thursday, February 17, 2011

48/365 Money for Nothin' - Peanuts for Free

I had taken a lovely photo of the Valentines flowers that the hubby brought me.. but alas.. it is lost ..  :(
So..  today I am bringing you a Blue Jay.
I like to feed the birds and Blue Jays LOVE peanuts! 
If I throw some out on the deck.. you will hear them call and then they fly in one-by-one, 
until all of the peanuts are gone.



  1. Rose, sorry that you lost the pictures of the flowers. But this is a great pic of the blue jay as well. "Feed the birds, toppins a bag..." ;)


  2. I look forward to seeing the piccie of the flowers your hubby bought you but I love the bird as well. I love feeding the harbingers as well. See I told you Spring is coming. Maybe not as fast as we like but it is coming. :D

    Cute bird hon!


  3. I love the bird! What a pretty animal, and the photo is great! I can never seem to get close enough to take good pics of critters that like to escape. :D

  4. Neat bird, Rose. :)

    I'm not a bird freak, but that is a pretty one.
    Usually the ones in my backyard don't pose for me. ;)

