Tuesday, February 22, 2011

53/365 - A little Rockies...

Tuesday kinda snuck up on me this week, so going with an old picture.  I took this about three years ago when I was in Colorado with family.  One day a bunch of us went into one of the parks in the Rocky Mountains.  I had just gotten my camera a few days earlier and was being quite the annoying shutter-bug, but I managed to get quite a few gems.  This is one of my favorites, all the more because I was standing on top of one mountain in the middle of a whole bunch more.  Let me tell you, that trip helped me understand a lot more about the mountain crossings depicted in The Lord of Rings (and many other books) than I did before.



  1. I love mountains....
    Never been to the Rockies so thanks for the view.

    Beautiful picture.


  2. Excellent shot of the Rockies, krawler!! I also love mountains. You took a great picture.


  3. Beautiful and vast view Krawler!!! I love pictures of the out of doors and I love mountain pictures particularly!! The majesty and the grandness of the wonder of it all!! Thank you for sharing this picture with us hon.

